Tea Type


Welcome to our tea Blogs page! Discover interesting articles, tips and inspiration about tea. From history to trends, we love to share our knowledge and passion. Get inspired, discover facts, health benefits and delicious recipes.

best loose tea

The best loose leaf teas | In a row!

We have often been asked what is the best loose-leaf tea! In this blog, we dive into the world of loose-leaf tea and discuss the different varieties, their unique characteristics and health benefits. Discover your new favorite and enjoy the rich flavors and benefits loose tea has to offer. Like tea shop we are proud to lead you through this tea journey.

Green Tea

Green tea is one of the most popular teas, known for its health benefits. Green tea is divided into Chinese and Japanese green teas.


Chinese Green Tea:

  • Features: Toasted, slightly nutty flavor and roasted aroma.
  • Popular Types: Longjing, Formosa Gunpowder, Biluochun.

Japanese Green Tea:

  • Features: Steamed, vegetal and slightly sweet aromas, often grassy with sea and floral notes.
  • Popular Types: Matcha, Sencha, Genmaicha, Kukicha.

Black Tea

Black tea is made from the Camellia sinensis plant and has a robust, earthy flavor with a high caffeine content.


Popular species:

  • British Species: Earl Grey (citrusy due to bergamot), English Breakfast, Irish Breakfast.
  • Indian Species: Assam, Darjeeling (rich and floral).
  • Chinese Species: Keemun, Gunpowder.
  • Sri Lankan Species: Ceylon.

White Tea

Known for its delicate flavor profile, white tea is appreciated for its subtle, slightly sweet and floral notes.


Popular Types:

  • Highest Quality: Silver Needle (made from the youngest leaves).
  • Other Varieties: White Peony (combination of young leaves and buds), Safari White Tea.

Oolong Tea

Oolong tea offers the widest flavor variation depending on the degree of oxidation (8-80%). This results in teas that range from floral and sweet to nutty and earthy.


Oxidation degree:

  • Light Oxidized: Delicate flavors, lighter color.
  • Heavily Oxidized: Robust flavors, earthy and roasted aromas.

Pu-Erh Tea

Pu-erh tea undergoes a unique oxidation process after drying, resulting in rich and nuanced flavors that improve as the tea ages.



  • Aging: Quality teas can be oxidized for decades but develop excellent flavors after only 4-7 years.

Masala Chai Tea

Masala chai is a spiced tea from India, known for its rich flavor profile.



  • Basic Spices: Cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, ginger, black pepper.
  • Preparation: Add milk and black tea leaves for a creamy and tangy blend.

Rooibos Tea

Rooibos tea comes from South Africa and has a slightly sweet and sour taste.



  • Decaffeinated: Popular alternative to black tea in masala chai blends.

Lavender Tea

Lavender tea is a popular bedtime tea, known for its calming properties.



  • Hot: Soak fresh or dried lavender flowers for 5-10 minutes.
  • Cold: Let the tea cool and serve with ice.

Hibiscus Tea

Hibiscus tea has a flavor similar to cranberries, with contrasting sweet and sour notes.



  • Drawing time: Steep the flowers in boiling water for 5-10 minutes.
  • Extras: Add citrus or fresh fruit for an extra dimension of flavor.

Chamomile Tea

Chamomile tea is known for its relaxing properties and can help promote sleep.



  • Color: Beautiful sunlit color, taste similar to green apples.

Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea is loved for its tingly taste and invigorating aroma, thanks to its high concentration of menthol.



  • Easy to brew: Use fresh leaves or dried loose leaves, tolerates well long draws without developing bitter flavors.

At Tea.eu, we have a wide range of high-quality loose leaf teas. Visit our webshop And discover your new favorite tea today!

#Losse Tea #Green Tea #Black Tea #Oolong Tea #White Tea #Rooibos #Lavender Tea #TheeWebshop #Thee.eu

healthy tea

Healthy Tea - Discover the benefits and our advice.

Thee.eu is the place for tea lovers of healthy tea and looking for the best teas. In this blog, we dive deep into the world of healthy tea. We discuss the benefits for your body and mind, and give you tips on which teas are not to be missed. Read on to find out how tea can improve your health and how easy it is to order tea online For your daily dose of health!

What Makes Tea Healthy?

Tea is a natural product packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. These substances help your body fight free radicals, strengthen your immune system and promote your overall well-being. Let's take a closer look at the main health benefits of tea:

  1. Rich in Antioxidants: Tea contains polyphenols, powerful antioxidants that help fight harmful free radicals. These antioxidants can reduce inflammation and improve your heart health.
  2. Improved Digestion: Tea, especially green and white tea, can promote digestion by stimulating the production of enzymes.
  3. Weight loss: Several studies suggest that certain teas, such as green tea, can contribute to weight loss by speeding up metabolism and burning fat.
  4. Mental Clarity: Tea contains amino acids such as L-theine, which along with caffeine can have a calming effect, allowing you to focus better and keep your mind clear.

Our Recommendations for Healthy Tea

At Tea.eu, we have a carefully selected collection of healthy teas that you should definitely try. Here are our top recommendations:

Green Tea

Advantages: Rich in antioxidants, promotes weight loss, and improves brain function.

Recommended: Our Matcha Green Tea is a superfood with a high concentration of antioxidants and vitamins.

White Tea

Benefits: Supports skin health and has a delicate, mild flavor.

Highly recommended: try our Silver Needle White Tea for a luxurious and refreshing experience.

Oolong Tea

Benefits: Helps burn fat and supports healthy heart function.

Recommended: Our Premium Oolong Tea is a perfect choice for tea connoisseurs and newcomers alike.

Herbal Tea

Benefits: Free of caffeine and ideal for relaxation and sleep.

Recommended: Our Chamomile and Peppermint blend offers a soothing experience that helps reduce stress.

How to Prepare Healthy Tea.

Optimal preparation of healthy tea is essential to reap its full benefits. Here are some tips:

  1. Use Fresh Water: Quality starts with the water. Always use fresh, filtered water for the best taste and health benefits.
  2. Temperature: Different teas require different water temperatures. Green tea, for example, should be brewed with water of about 70-80°C, while black tea can handle higher temperatures.
  3. Drawing time: Don't let the tea steep too long to avoid bitter flavors. Green tea usually needs only 2-3 minutes, while black tea can steep for 3-5 minutes.


Tea is more than just a delicious beverage; it is a powerful tool for improving your health. Whether you are looking for a way to boost your metabolism, improve your digestion, or simply relax, there is a healthy tea to suit you.

At Thee.eu you will find a wide range of high-quality, healthy teas. Visit our webshop And discover your new favorite tea today!

Tags: #Healthy Tea #Tea #Green Tea #Herbal Tea #TeaAdvantages #Tea.eu

buy teas online

What teas do you buy online and what is tea?

Whether you're a seasoned tea lover or just beginning to explore the world of loose leaf tea, there is a tea waiting to delight your senses. So, what teas do you buy online and what is tea anyway? Let's begin this delightful journey together and discover how easy it is to online tea ordering.


Understanding Tea: The Basics


Before we embark on our online tea shopping journey, let's clarify tea terminology. "Tea" technically refers to the beverage made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. These leaves go through various processes to bring us the diverse range of teas we enjoy. From delicate white teas to potent black teas and everything in between, the world of tea is full of surprises.


Common Types of Tea:


  1. Black Tea:


Taste: Powerful, robust, malty and sometimes sweet

Popular Varieties: Assam, Darjeeling, Earl Grey and English Breakfast


  1. Green Tea:


Taste: Earthy, grassy and often a little vegetal

Popular Varieties: Sencha, Matcha and Jasmine Green Tea


  1. Oolong Tea:


Taste: Varying from light and floral to dark and toasty

Popular Varieties: Tie Guan Yin, Da Hong Pao and Formosa Oolong


  1. White Tea:


Taste: Delicate, light and mildly sweet

Popular Varieties: Silver Needle and White Peony


  1. Herbal Tea:


Not from Camellia sinensis sourced. Made from various herbs, fruits, flowers and spices

Taste: Endless possibilities, including fruity, floral, spicy and soothing


  1. Rooibos and Herbal Infusions:


Flavor: Naturally decaffeinated with earthy, sweet or fruity profiles



Why Buy Tea Online?


Variation: Online tea stores offer an extensive selection of teas, often beyond what is available locally. You can discover unique blends and rare finds


Convenience: Store from the comfort of your home 24/7. No rush to run to the store before closing time


Quality: All Tea buys their tea directly from tea plantations, ensuring fresher and high-quality products


Education: Online stores often offer detailed information about each tea, allowing you to learn more about its origin, flavor profile and brewing instructions


Reviews and Ratings: You can read reviews and see ratings from other tea lovers, making it easier to choose tea that suits your taste.


Tips for Online Tea Shopping:


Explore different brands and suppliers to discover your favorites

Pay attention to the instructions and recommended brew times

Experiment with new flavors and blends to expand your tea horizons

Consider joining online tea communities to connect with fellow tea lovers and exchange recommendations.

Whether you enjoy a soothing cup of chamomile herbal tea before bed or indulge yourself in the rich complexity of a Darjeeling black tea, the world of tea is a flavorful and aromatic journey waiting to be discovered. So, why not adventure into the enchanting realm of online tea shopping and discover the perfect brew to indulge your taste buds? Happy sipping! ????

herbal tea

Herbal Tea Buying Online: Discover the Magic of Natural Flavor

Be open to a world of delights with herbal tea. In this article we will guide you through the delights of herbal tea, how to make it tea online can buy, and why these teas are a tasty and beneficial choice for the body and mind.



If you crave a gentle, natural pick-me-up, then herbal teas are the perfect choice. Infused with the essence of herbs and plants, these teas offer not only a delicious taste, but also an array of benefits for your well-being. In this article, we will take you through the world of herbal teas and how to obtain them online.


What is Herbal Tea?

Let's start with a look into the world of herbal teas.

1. Natural Ingredients

Herbal tea is made from dried herbs, flowers, spices and fruits.

2. No Tea Plants

Unlike black or green tea, herbal tea is not made from tea leaves, but from various plants and herbs.

3. Various Flavor Profiles

Herbal teas vary widely in flavor, from soothing chamomile to spicy ginger and refreshing mint.


The Benefits of Herbal Tea

Find out why herbal teas are so popular, both for their taste and their health benefits.

1. Health and Wellness

Different herbal teas can help with different health issues, such as chamomile for relaxation or ginger for digestion.

2. Decaffeinated Indulgence

Herbal tea is usually decaffeinated, making it a suitable choice for people who want to avoid caffeine.

3. Flavorful and Refreshing

The variety of flavors and aromas makes herbal tea a refreshing and flavorful option.


Where Herbal Tea Buying Online?

Now that you know the joys of herbal tea, let's see where you can find it online.

1. Online Tea Shops

Specialized online tea stores offer a wide range of herbal tea varieties and blends.

2. Major Retailers

Many large online retailers also offer a selection of herbal teas, usually only packaged teas

3. Tea Companies

Some tea companies offer direct purchase options through their websites. Tea is an importer that supplies the hospitality industry, business customers and consumers alike


Making the Perfect Cup of Herbal Tea

To fully enjoy herbal tea, follow these tips for brewing the perfect cup.

1. Water temperature

For most herbal teas, water just below the boiling point is ideal (about 85-90 degrees Celsius).

2. Steeping Time

Each herbal tea has an ideal steeping time, usually between 5-7 minutes, but this can vary.

3. Additions

You can add honey, lemon or other flavorings to adapt your tea to your taste preferences.



Herbal tea buying online opens the door to a world of natural flavors and well-being. Whether you choose soothing chamomile, invigorating peppermint, or another herbal blend, herbal teas offer a gentle embrace of nature for your senses. Find your favorite herbal teas online and indulge in the magic of these delicious and beneficial beverages.



Loose tea for hospitality and office

Loose tea for hospitality and office

In the vibrant world of hospitality and business, it's all about choices. The right ingredients, the right atmosphere, and above all the right flavors to impress your guests and customers. At Thee.eu, known as the best online tea store for professionals, we know that those choices matter, which is why we want to take you on a journey through the enchanting world of loose-leaf tea for hospitality and office and why it can become your ultimate secret to making (even more) of an impression.


Loose Tea: More than just a cup of tea


Loose tea is not just a drink; it is an experience. It starts with the rich aromas that are released as soon as you open the tea leaves. Imagine, your guests are greeted by an enchanting scent of fresh tea leaves, instantly transporting them to faraway lands and exotic destinations. It is the first sign that you are serving an extraordinary experience, cool right!


Why Loose Tea?

  1. Pure Taste and Quality

Loose tea is all about purity. You get the pure taste of tea leaves without the limitations of tea bags. Our selection of loose tea leaves offers unmatched quality and taste.

  1. Variety to Surprise

At Tea.eu, we have a wealth of varieties to choose from. For every mood, every season, and every taste preference, there is a tea to suit. Some of our favorites include white tea, black tea, and rooibos.

  1. Eco-friendliness

Loose tea is also kinder to our planet. Less packaging means less waste. You contribute to a greener world while spoiling your guests.


Our Top 5 Teas (at the time of writing then 😉


White Tea

The Heavenly White Tea blend - Refined with the fruity taste of pomegranate and the sweet notes of cassis, and rounded off with fresh nuances of aloe vera

Angel's Kiss - The light blend of high-quality green teas creates a fantastic, floral base that is unique in its appearance


Black Tea

Earl Grey Blue Flower - A touch of royal magic with this beloved English classic

Turmeric Chai - Our sought-after creation: an India-inspired spice tea with black tea and Ayurvedic influences



Rooibos Honeybush - A green rooibos honey bush relaxation tea - with some milk and honey, feel how the organic sustainability concept helps reduce your tension


This is just the tip of the tea mountain. At Tea.eu, we are passionate about tea, and we love to share our passion with you. Loose tea for hospitality and office offers you the opportunity to offer your guests and customers something special, something that stimulates their senses and gives them an unforgettable experience.


Tea as Your Secret Ingredient

The next time you serve drinks in your café, restaurant or office, consider putting loose-leaf tea on the menu. It's not just a drink, but a trip to faraway places, a moment of rest and reflection, and a sign that you care about the little things that make a difference.

At Thee.eu we have the tea (also in kilo packs of course and nice and inexpensive), the passion and the expertise to get you on the road to a tea revolution in your business. Together we can bring the magic of loose leaf tea into your world. Cheers to a flavorful future! ????

matcha tea, green tea

What is matcha tea?

Matcha tea, with its striking green color and unique flavor, is steadily gaining popularity among tea lovers worldwide. But what is matcha tea? Did you know that there are different types of matcha, each with their own characteristics and flavor profiles? In this blog, we will take you into the world of matcha and discuss the difference between two remarkable varieties: Ujicha and Taishan.


What is Matcha Tea?


Let's start with a brief introduction about matcha. Matcha is a special type of green tea made by grinding tea leaves into a fine powder. This tea has its origins in the Japanese tea ceremony and has become increasingly popular for its delicious taste and health benefits.


Ujicha: The Elegant Beauty of Kyoto

Ujicha is a type of matcha originating from Uji, a city in the Kyoto Prefecture of Japan. Uji is known for its long history of tea production and is considered one of the world's best regions for producing matcha. Here are some characteristics of Ujicha:

Deep Green Color: Ujicha has a deep, rich green color, indicating high quality leaves and careful processing.

Sweet, Refined Taste: Ujicha has a smooth, sweet taste with subtle umami notes. It is known for its refined and balanced flavor profile.

Tradition and History: Uji has a long tradition of tea production and is considered the birthplace of Japanese tea. Cultivating matcha in this region is steeped in history and craftsmanship.


Taishan: The New Star in the Sky

Taishan is a Chinese variety of matcha that has carved its own unique place in the world of green tea. Taishan refers to a mountain in Shandong province, where this tea is produced. Here are some notable characteristics of Taishan:

Lighter, Brighter Color: Taishan matcha often has a lighter green color compared to Ujicha, indicating a different flavor profile.

Fresh, Lively Taste: Taishan matcha has a fresh, slightly grassy taste with a mild sweetness. It is known for its invigorating character.

Chinese Traditions: Although matcha is originally from Japan, Taishan has its own Chinese tea traditions. This gives it a unique flair and connection to China's rich tea culture.


The Difference in Culture and Taste

The main difference between Ujicha and Taishan lies in the region of origin, production methods and resulting flavor profiles. Ujicha offers a refined, deep flavor with umami notes and has a long history in Japanese tea traditions. On the other hand, Taishan matcha has a lighter, fresh flavor and brings to life the rich Chinese tea culture.


Regardless of which matcha you choose, you will be taken on a green adventure full of flavor and history. Try both varieties to discover which best suits your personal preference.


What are you waiting for? Brew a cup of matcha, enjoy the taste and share your discoveries with friends. It's not just tea; it's an experience! Select your advantage in our webshop. If you have become curious about these special teas, you can easily order tea online through our website. Discover the convenience and be surprised by the unique flavors of Ujicha and Taishan matcha, delivered directly to your home.

what is rooibos tea, buy tea

What is rooibos tea?

Rooibos tea is an infusion made from the leaves of the Aspalathus linearis plant, which originally grows in the Cederberg region of South Africa. Unlike traditional teas, such as black and green teas, rooibos tea is free of caffeine, making it an excellent choice for people who want to avoid caffeine. However, it has a rich flavor and a natural sweetness similar to black tea.


The Benefits of Rooibos Tea


Rich in Antioxidants: Rooibos tea is packed with antioxidants, such as aspalathin and quercetin, which help fight free radicals in the body and prevent cell damage.

Good for Skin: The antioxidants in rooibos tea can contribute to healthy and glowing skin. Drinking this tea is often associated with an improvement in skin condition.

Digestive Support: Rooibos tea is sometimes used to relieve stomach upset and digestive problems, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Caffeine-free: People who want to avoid caffeine can enjoy rooibos tea without worrying about the side effects of caffeine, such as insomnia.

Relaxing: Rooibos tea is known to reduce stress and tension. It is an excellent choice for a calming cup of tea at bedtime.


How to Prepare


Making a delicious cup of rooibos tea is easy. Just follow these steps:

Bring water to a boil

Add a rooibos tea bag or loose leaves to a cup

Pour the boiling water over the tea

Allow the tea to steep for 5-7 minutes for best flavor

Feel free to add honey, lemon or milk to taste


Conclusion around the question What is rooibos tea?


Rooibos tea is not only a delicious and caffeine-free tea option, but it also offers numerous health benefits. Whether you are looking for a drink to relax or one that is good for your skin, rooibos tea can be a great choice. Try it today and enjoy the natural flavor and benefits of this South African treasure!

For more detailed information about rooibos tea, including where to buy high-quality rooibos tea, check out our collection. If the best online tea store we offer a wide range of top quality rooibos teas. Visit our webshop for extensive insights and to find your perfect rooibos tea.

effect pu erh tea

What is the effect of Pu Erh tea?

Welcome, lovers of tea! Today we take you (too) into the enchanting world of Pu-erh tea. Infused with history, complexity and delectable aromas, this tea will fascinate you. What is the effect of Pu Erh tea and discover the profound effects of this tea that has stood the test of time. This is our second blog this week, at the request of three tea lovers. We have taken the time to explain everything in detail.


The Art of Fermentation: The Secret Ingredient of Pu-erh


One of the most fascinating aspects of Pu-erh tea is its fermentation process. This tea undergoes a unique aging process that creates its distinctive flavor and benefits. Similar to wine, Pu-erh improves with time, making it a sought-after choice for tea lovers who like deep, earthy notes.


Friend of Digestion: The Hidden Secret of Pu-erh


Pu-erh tea has been valued for centuries for its potential to support digestive health. Its natural properties can help promote healthy intestinal flora and reduce bloating after a hearty meal. So, if you sometimes catch yourself indulging your taste buds, Pu-erh may be just what you need to soothe your digestive system.


Energy boost without the jitters


Pu-erh tea is also known for its energy-boosting properties without the accompanying nervousness of caffeine. The presence of theine helps create a calming balance, while natural caffeine gives you a mild boost. Pu-erh is therefore an excellent choice for those looking for a gentle energy boost throughout the day.


A Moment of Reflection: The Calming Influence of Pu-erh


In addition to its physical benefits, Pu-erh tea also offers a moment of rest and reflection. While enjoying its deep flavors, Pu-erh can help you escape the hectic pace of daily life and find a moment of harmony.



At Thee.eu, your trusted online tea store, we are proud to offer various Pu-erh teas to offer, taking you on a flavorful journey through the history and culture of tea. Taste the enchantment of Pu-erh and discover for yourself the many layers of its effects. Immerse yourself in this mystical tea and savor every sip, full of tradition and flavor. Visit our tea store To find your perfect Pu-erh tea and live this unique tea experience.

top 10 loose tea

Top 10 best loose leaf teas - Our favorite teas listed!

ns entire team and, of course, our tea lovers are passionate about all aspects of tea, and we are excited to take you on a flavorful adventure. Dive with us into the world of loose leaf teas, where every cup is a journey in itself. Here we proudly present our top 10 selection of loose leaf teas that will enchant your senses and make your day a little more special. Please note; this top 10 changes almost every month and so you can see that tea lovers (our customers 😉 tailor their tastes according to season and period of the day. So below are the best loose-leaf teas of the past 4 weeks, available exclusively at tea.eu:

  1. Enchanting Earl Grey: Start with the classic charm of Earl Grey. The delicate blend of black tea with bergamot citrus is a timeless favorite that never disappoints.
  2. Chamomile Blossom: Relax and unwind with a cup of chamomile tea. Its mild taste and calming properties make it the ideal choice for any time of the day.
  3. Green Tea Sensation: Taste the freshness of green tea with its light, invigorating flavor and a touch of healthy energy.
  4. Heavenly White Tea mix: Let your taste buds dance with a touch of tropical delight. Our heavenly white tea is an explosion in every sip, and let's not forget the amazing fragrances!
  5. Spicy Chai Magic: Experience the warmth of chai herbs in a blend of black tea and spices. Perfect for a cozy afternoon or evening.
  6. Invigorating Cool Mint Herbal Tea: If you need a refreshing kick, this Herbal Tea is the right choice. It not only cleanses your mind, but also your breath!
  7. Green Jasmine: Enjoy the elegance of jasmine blossoms blending with soft green tea for a subtle and seductive taste.
  8. Classic English Breakfast: Start your day with a potent cup of English Breakfast tea. This traditional blend of black tea is the ultimate morning rejuvenator.
  9. Rooibos Eucalyptus Orange: Go for rooibos, a decaffeinated treat with an earthy sweetness that warms your heart. Embrace the beautiful fragrance and enjoy the taste sensation
  10. Exotic Feng Shui Tea: End your journey with a cup of Feng Shui tea. The delectable taste of this herbal blend is amazing! A wonderful balance of flavor and harmony.

We believe every cup of tea tells a story. Browse through our shop and discover even more delicious tea options that will tantalize your taste buds. Whether you are looking for a moment of relaxation, a pick-me-up or a taste adventure, we have the perfect loose-leaf tea for you. Let the steam rise, take a sip and be swept away by the delectable world of tea!

Blog Tea Buying Darjeeling

Buying Darjeeling Tea? Then read this blog about one of the finest teas

Today we take you on a flavorful journey through the world of tea! Today we turn our spotlight on Darjeeling tea, also known as the "Champagne of tea." Let's discover why this tea is so special and what makes it a favorite among tea lovers around the world.


A Breathtaking Darjeeling Landscape


Darjeeling tea is grown in the beautiful hills of the Indian state of West Bengal. The landscape is breathtaking, with vast tea gardens stretching across rolling hills surrounded by the majestic Himalayan mountains. The unique combination of the altitude, cool climate and rich soil creates the perfect conditions for growing this special tea.


First Flush, Second Flush, Autumnal - The Seasonal Magic


Darjeeling tea is known for its seasonal picking. Each picking has its own character and flavor profile. The First Flush, harvested in early spring, offers a delicate and floral flavor. The Second Flush, picked in summer, provides a fuller and fruity flavor. And finally, we have the Autumnal pick, collected in the fall, which has a richer and nutty flavor. Each pick has its own charm, making it worth discovering them all!


Terroir - The Unique Influence of Terroir


Like wine, terroir plays an essential role in the taste of Darjeeling tea. The soil, climate and altitude of the tea gardens all contribute to the unique taste of the tea leaves. It is like tasting a piece of the Darjeeling landscape with every sip!


The Art of Setting - Let the Magic Unfold


For the ultimate Darjeeling experience, it is important to master the art of brewing. Use fresh water just off the boil and steep the tea leaves for a few minutes to reveal the rich aromas and flavors. In our tea shop you will find not only premium Darjeeling tea, but also helpful tips on how to brew your tea perfectly. Remember to enjoy every sip and let the magic of Darjeeling tea unfold before you!


Darjeeling and Culinary Delights - Perfect Tea & Food Pairings


Darjeeling tea is a versatile tea that goes well with a variety of dishes. It pairs perfectly with light meals such as salads, sandwiches and savory snacks. Try it with a piece of mild cheese or a fruity cake for a delicious combination that will surprise your taste buds!


We hope this brief introduction has piqued your curiosity about Darjeeling tea. Visit our webshop, to discover a selection of premium Darjeeling teas curated just for you. Ready to indulge your taste buds with this royal tea? Happy sipping!

tea cans and tea storage

Loose Tea storage tips!

As passionate loose tea lovers, we know how important it is to preserve the quality of our precious tea leaves for a truly refined taste experience. In this enchanting blog, we share with you the secrets of storing and protecting loose tea in beautiful tea tins. Discover why tea tins are essential to any tea collection and how they can help you enjoy a perfectly brewed cup of tea every time, with these loose tea storage tips!

The Magic of Tea Tins

Tea tins are not only practical, but also visually stunning. They come in a variety of shapes, sizes and designs, making them an enchanting addition to any tea collection. These elegant tins provide a safe haven for loose tea, where they are protected from the destructive influences of light, air and moisture. Thus, freshness and delicious aromas are preserved.


Light: A Silent Enemy

Light is a sneaky enemy for loose tea. Prolonged exposure to sunlight can affect the delicate flavor and quality of tea leaves. Fortunately, tea tins made of opaque material such as shiny metal or sophisticated ceramic form a barrier against harmful light rays. In this way, the delectable flavor profiles of your tea are preserved.


Air: Preserve Freshness

The quality of loose tea can deteriorate rapidly when in contact with air. Oxidation, a dangerous enemy of flavor, can occur. Tea cans offer a clever solution with their airtight seal. This protects your tea from the harmful effects of oxygen, minimizing oxidation and preserving the freshness of the tea leaves.


Moisture: Opponent of Perfection

Moisture and tea are not a good combination. It can lead to mold growth and ruin the quality of your tea. Fortunately, tea tins create a dry and safe environment where your tea leaves remain free of moisture and maintain their outstanding quality.


Storage Tips for Tea Cans

We like to share some valuable tips for making the best use of your tea cans:


Clean and dry the tea cans thoroughly before using them

Use separate tea tins for different types of tea to prevent flavor transfer

Seal tea cans tightly to maintain airtightness

Store your tea cans in a cool, dark place away from moisture, heat and strong odors



Tea cans are not only beautiful accessories, but also indispensable tools for ensuring the freshness and quality of loose leaf tea. By protecting from light, air and moisture, tea tins play a crucial role in preserving the natural aromas and flavors of your tea leaves. So invest in some brilliant tea tins and store your favorite loose tea properly. That way you can enjoy a perfectly brewed cup of tea, brimming with delicious nuances, every time. And remember, if you want new tea order tea, then choose high-quality loose tea to get the most out of your tea tins and your tea experience. Cheers to your ultimate tea enjoyment and preserve the magic of loose tea!

Discover the beautiful taste of Premium Loose Tea

Welcome to All-Tea.nl, the destination for lovers of premium loose leaf tea! In this blog, we are happy to share the many benefits of ordering premium quality loose tea at fair prices. Discover why loose tea is the ultimate choice for tea lovers looking for an enchanting taste experience. Read on and be amazed by our extensive range and unmatched quality!

Enrich your taste buds with Loose Tea:

Let your taste buds be seduced by the rich and complex flavors of our premium loose-leaf tea. Unlike ground tea bags, our whole tea leaves retain their natural oils and aromas. This results in a sublime taste experience that will enchant any tea drinker. In our online tea shop you will find a wide range of varieties, from delicate white teas to robust black tea and refined green and oolong teas. With the ability to tea online buy, it is easier than ever to discover these premium flavors.

Premium Quality for an unforgettable Tea experience:

We set the highest standards for the quality of our teas. We cooperate with renowned tea importers worldwide to provide you with an unforgettable tea experience. Our tea leaves are carefully selected and processed with craftsmanship. Each cup of tea offers a harmonious balance of aromas, flavors and a silky smooth texture. Immerse yourself in the refinement and purity of our premium loose leaf teas.

Fair Prices, Unprecedented Quality:

At All-Tea.nl, we believe in fair prices for exceptional quality. We strive to make premium loose leaf tea accessible to everyone. Through direct collaboration and efficient purchasing processes, we can keep costs low without compromising on quality. So you can enjoy the highest quality loose leaf tea at competitive and fair prices. Premium tea is thus accessible to everyone.

Easy Ordering and Fast Delivery:

Our developers have made the ordering process as easy as possible. With just a few clicks, you can select and order your favorite teas. We strive to process and deliver your order quickly, so you can enjoy your fresh tea soon. Our expert team is always ready to support you and answer all your questions. Your satisfaction is our top priority. Enjoy the magic of premium loose leaf tea and take advantage our webshop.

green tea and sencha

Green Tea and Sencha: A journey to Health and Enjoyment"

Welcome to a flavorful journey through the world of green tea and its most famous variety, Sencha. Discover the many health benefits and refined taste these teas have to offer. Brace yourself for an invigorating experience full of antioxidants and delicious flavors. In this blog, we share everything you need to know about green tea and Sencha, from their origins to their positive effects on your well-being.

The Power of Green Tea:

Green tea has been a popular choice for centuries because of its refreshing taste and numerous health benefits. It is rich in antioxidants that can help fight free radicals, promote healthy skin and strengthen the immune system. In addition, green tea can boost metabolism, support weight loss and improve brain function

The Delicate Flavor of Sencha:

Sencha, a high-quality Japanese green tea, has a unique character and refined taste. It is characterized by its bright, light green infusion and a delicate sweetness. Sencha contains the same health benefits as green tea, but has its own distinctive flavor profile that enchants many tea lovers. It is a perfect choice for those looking for an invigorating and refreshing tea experience

Origin and Production:

Green tea is mainly grown in countries such as China, Japan and India. It is made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, which are carefully picked and then steamed or roasted to prevent oxidation. Sencha tea comes specifically from Japan and is characterized by the production method in which the tea leaves are steamed before being rolled and dried. These steps preserve the vibrant green color and characteristic flavor of Sencha.

Tips for brewing tea:

To fully enjoy your green tea or Sencha, here are a few tips to keep in mind. Use water at about 80°C for brewing green tea and let the tea leaves steep for a few minutes, depending on your taste preference. Also, experiment with different brewing times and amounts of tea leaves to find the perfect balance. Remember to enjoy the aromatic fragrances and soothing moments as you brew your tea.

Enrich your Lifestyle with these wonderful teas:

Add green tea and Sencha to your daily routine to take advantage of their health benefits. Enjoy its invigorating aromas, discover its rich history and give yourself a well-deserved boost with a cup of green tea or Sencha. Add these teas to your daily ritual and experience for yourself the positive impact on your body and mind. You can easily ordering tea online To bring these healthy and flavorful varieties into your home.

Harmonize yourself with the natural power of this wonderful tea, and discover a world of health and pleasure in every sip!

tea a healthy pleasure

Tea, a healthy delight!

"Discover the Benefits of Black Tea, Green Tea, Oolong Tea, White Tea, Rooibos Tea, Pu Erh Tea, Matcha Tea and Herbal Tea"

Welcome to this blog, where we take you on a journey into the healthy world of Tea. In this blog you will discover the numerous health benefits of different teas, including black tea, green tea, oolong tea, white tea, rooibos tea, pu erh tea, matcha tea and herbal tea. Be surprised by the beneficial properties of tea and enjoy a healthy treat!


Black tea:

Black tea is packed with antioxidants that boost the immune system and can help fight free radicals. It can also promote heart health, regulate blood pressure and improve circulation.

Green tea:

Green tea is known for its high content of polyphenols, which can help with weight management, lowering cholesterol, promoting healthy digestion and boosting metabolism. It can also help strengthen cognitive functions and reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases.

Oolong tea:

Oolong tea contains antioxidants and theanine, which can help reduce stress, promote healthy skin and strengthen the immune system. Oolong tea can also help regulate blood sugar levels and lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.

White tea:

White tea contains high levels of antioxidants that can help maintain youthful skin, reduce inflammation and promote a healthy heart. It can also help support liver health and strengthen the immune system.

Rooibos tea:

Rooibos tea is caffeine-free and full of antioxidants and minerals, including magnesium, potassium and calcium. It can help promote a good night's sleep, reduce allergies, support digestion and strengthen bones.

Pu Erh tea:

Pu Erh tea is known for its properties for weight management and promoting digestion. It can help lower cholesterol, support the liver and promote fat burning.

Matcha tea:

Matcha tea is rich in antioxidants, including catechins that support the immune system and promote cell protection. It can help improve concentration and alertness, increase energy levels and promote a healthy metabolism.

The world of tea offers a plethora of health benefits. Whether you choose black tea, green tea, oolong tea, white tea, rooibos tea, pu erh tea, matcha tea or herbal tea, you can enjoy a delicious and healthy pleasure. Discover the various flavors and properties of these teas at All Tea and boost your healthy lifestyle! You can easily order tea online to bring all these healthy varieties into your home and enjoy their unique benefits.

International Tea Day | May 21

International Tea Day | May 21

On May 21, we celebrate International Tea Day around the world! Tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world and has a rich history dating back thousands of years. Tea is not only delicious, but it also offers many health benefits. Therefore, on this day we can become extra aware of the positive properties of tea and enjoy it together.

The idea for International Tea Day originated in 2005 during a meeting of tea producers and exporters from different countries. The goal was to promote the worldwide consumption of tea and highlight the many benefits of this beverage. Since then, the day has been celebrated every year with events, tastings and other activities that highlight the importance of tea.

One of the main benefits of tea is that it is a source of antioxidants. These substances protect our bodies from harmful substances and help strengthen our immune system. Tea also contains caffeine, which can give us an energy boost and help us concentrate better. In addition, tea can also help reduce stress and promote relaxation.

There are many types of tea available, each with its own flavor and properties. For example, green tea is rich in antioxidants and can help lower cholesterol and promote weight loss. Black tea, on the other hand, has a higher caffeine content and can help keep us awake and alert. Herbal and fruit teas in turn are popular for their refreshing flavors and their ability to reduce stress.

On International Tea Day, we can indulge our taste buds by trying new varieties of tea and sharing our favorites with friends and family. Whether you like black tea, green tea or herbal tea, there is something for everyone. It's a perfect opportunity to order tea online and discover new flavors. Drinking tea can be a pleasant and relaxing activity and can help us escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life for a while.

So on May 21, brew a pot of tea and enjoy this delicious beverage with your friends and family. Cheers to the many benefits of tea and to a healthy and happy lifestyle!


tea blogs, loose herbal tea

Discover the Magic of Loose Herbal Tea: Enrich Your Tea Experience!

How delicious Herbal Tea can be! In this tea blog, we would like to take you on a flavorful journey through the world of loose herbal tea. As the best online tea store is our passion to introduce you to the enchanting world of hand-picked herbs, each offering their own unique benefits and aromas. In this blog, you will discover the irresistible benefits of some popular herbs and why they are an essential addition to your tea assortment.

Chamomile - The Calm in a Cup: Chamomile tea is known for its calming properties and is often drunk to relax after a busy day. It helps reduce stress and anxiety, promotes a good night's sleep and even soothes digestion. Add this delicious floral tea to your collection for a peaceful and soothing moment for yourself.

Peppermint - Refreshing and Invigorating: Peppermint tea is a refreshing treat that not only tickles your taste buds, but also invigorates your body. It helps relieve stomach upset, promote healthy digestion and freshen your breath. Enjoy a delicious cup of peppermint tea after meals or at any time of the day for an invigorating boost.

Ginger - A Powerful Booster: Ginger tea is a real powerhouse when it comes to health benefits. It has anti-inflammatory properties, helps relieve nausea and indigestion, and strengthens the immune system. Moreover, ginger tea gives a wonderful warm feeling from the inside out. Add this spicy and flavorful tea to your collection for a natural boost.

Rooibos - Calm Your Senses: Rooibos tea, originating in South Africa, is known for its mild and sweet taste. This decaffeinated tea is packed with antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. It helps promote healthy skin, relieve allergies and support good sleep. Add rooibos tea to your daily routine for a moment of pure relaxation.

In our webshop, we have a wide range of loose herbal teas that will enchant your taste buds and awaken your senses. Explore our assortment and add these delicious and beneficial options to your tea collection. Treat yourself to the ultimate tea experience and enjoy the many benefits these herbs bring.

We can't wait to welcome you!

black tea

The Enchantment of Loose Black Tea: A World of Flavor awaits you!

Discover the enchanting world of loose black tea with us! In this blog, we take you on a flavorful journey full of intense aromas and invigorating benefits. Known for its powerful flavor profiles and distinctive aroma, black tea offers a plethora of choices to take your tea experience to the next level. In this blog, explore some of the most beloved varieties of black tea and discover why they are a must-have addition to your tea collection. Be seduced by the rich world of black tea!

  1. Earl Grey - A Royal Refinement: Earl Grey is a classic favorite loved the world over. This black tea is fragrant and refreshing, with the subtle addition of bergamot oil. In addition to its delicious taste, Earl Grey is known for its ability to improve mood, reduce stress and promote mental alertness. Enjoy a cup of Earl Grey to treat yourself to a touch of luxury.
  2. English Breakfast - Energy to Start the Day: English Breakfast tea is a robust and potent black tea that is perfect for starting your day. This tea gives you a natural energy boost and helps you recharge for the challenges ahead. With its full flavor and uplifting properties, English Breakfast is a must-have for black tea lovers.
  3. Darjeeling - The Champagne among Black Teas: Darjeeling is often called "the champagne among black teas" because of its delicate flavor and complex aroma. Originating from the Darjeeling region of India, this tea has a delicate and floral flavor. Darjeeling is known for its detoxifying properties, stimulating digestion and promoting healthy skin. Add a touch of elegance to your tea routine with Darjeeling.
  4. Assam - Strength and Intensity: Assam tea is known for its strong, full flavor and deep ruby color. It is often used as a base for blends and provides a hearty kick to start your day. Assam tea is packed with antioxidants and can help improve cardiovascular health and the immune system. Add Assam to your collection of black teas for a powerful and intense experience.

At Tea.eu we have a wide selection of high quality loose black teas that will enchant your taste buds. Explore our assortment and easily order your favorite black teas online. Treat yourself to the irresistible taste and the many benefits black tea has to offer.
We can't wait to welcome you to our webshop, where you can order all the teas your heart desires. Choose the magic of loose black tea and enjoy every sip. Ordering tea has never been so easy and tempting!

fruit tea

Discover the Flavor Explosion of Fruit Tea: Facts, Benefits and More ....

Read our blog about fruit tea and discover fun facts, the benefits and why this delicious drink is an absolute must-have. After reading, feel free to order your favorite fruit tea in our tea store!

In this blog, we dive deeper into the world of fruit tea and share interesting facts, its numerous benefits and why it is so much fun to read. Be surprised by the flavor explosion of fruit tea and discover why this refreshing and healthy drink is a must-have for any tea lover.

Delicious Flavor Combinations: Fruit teas are known for their wide range of flavors and surprising combinations. At Tea.eu, we offer a wide range of fruit teas with flavors such as tropical mango, juicy blueberries, sweet strawberries and refreshing lemon. Taste the natural sweetness and enjoy every sip.

Health Benefits: Besides being simply delicious, fruit tea offers numerous health benefits. Rich in antioxidants and vitamins, fruit tea helps strengthen the immune system, aid digestion and hydrate the body. It is a great alternative to sugary drinks and can contribute to weight management.

Fun Fruit Tea Facts:

Did you know that fruit tea is not actually a real tea, but an infusion of dried fruit, herbs and spices? It is a caffeine-free alternative to traditional tea.

Fruit teas can be enjoyed hot or cold. Make it a refreshing iced tea on hot summer days or enjoy a warming cup of tea during the colder months.

Adding a slice of lemon or orange to your fruit tea can intensify the flavor and add a touch of freshness.

Discover Our Fruit Tea Collection: At Tea.eu we have a wide selection of high quality fruit teas. Browse through our selection and discover your new favorite flavor. Whether you like exotic combinations or traditional fruit blends, we have something for everyone.

Get the Most Out of Your Fruit Tea: To best enjoy your fruit tea, we recommend following package instructions for proper brewing time and water temperature. Experiment with different infusion times and water amounts to find your perfect cup of fruit tea.

Conclusion: Fruit teas offer a delicious taste experience, health benefits and a world of possibilities. At Tea.eu, we have a diverse range of fruit teas to tantalize your taste buds. Order your favorite fruit tea today and enjoy a refreshing and delicious experience.

order tea online

Masterful Tea Making: Discover the Art of the Perfect Cup of Tea

"Learn the secrets of brewing the perfect cup of tea in our blog as loose Discover the right temperature, infusion time and other tips to take your tea brewing to the next level. Become a master tea brewer and enjoy the pleasure of brewing loose-leaf tea."

Choose the right tea: It all starts with choosing the right tea. Whether you like green tea, black tea, white tea, oolong or herbal tea likes, make sure you select high-quality teas. At Tea.eu we have a wide range of premium teas to choose from so you can enjoy the best flavors.

The right temperature: Each type of tea has its own ideal brewing temperature. For green and white teas, water of about 70-80°C is ideal, while black and oolong tea require a slightly higher temperature of about 90-95°C. Use a kettle with temperature control or let the water cool for a while after boiling to reach the correct temperature.

Drawing time in balance: The infusion time determines the strength and flavor profile of your tea. In general, green and white teas require a shorter infusion time of about 2-3 minutes, while black and oolong teas may require longer infusions, usually 3-5 minutes. Experiment with the infusion time to find the perfect balance that suits your taste preferences.

Use the right amount of tea: It is important to use the right amount of tea to achieve the optimal taste. As a rule of thumb, you can use about 2 grams of tea per 200 ml of water. Adjust the amount according to your personal preference for a lighter or stronger taste.

Refine your typesetting technique: In addition to the basics, here are some additional tips to take your tea making skills to the next level:

  1. Preheat your teapot or teacups with hot water to maintain the temperature of the tea longer
  1. Use a tea strainer, tea bag or a tea egg to separate the tea leaves from the water during infusion
  1. Experiment with different water qualities, such as filtered water or spring water, to improve the taste of your tea

Brewing Loose Tea is a true art that requires time, patience and attention. With proper techniques and attention to detail, you can create a delicious cup of tea that stimulates all your senses. Enrich your tea moments by discovering the secrets of tea brewing and enjoy the ultimate tea delight.

Discover our range of affordable premium teas on All-Tea.nl now and begin your journey to brewing the perfect cup of tea. Become a master tea brewer and enjoy the most delectable and aromatic teas you have ever tasted!