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Tea for a Better Night's Sleep: The Ultimate Guide to Relaxing Blends

In our 24/7 society, a good night's sleep has often become a luxury. More and more Dutch people are struggling with sleep problems, and the search for natural solutions is growing. At, we understand better than anyone the power of a soothing cup of tea before bed. In this comprehensive guide, we take you into the world of sleeping tea, and show you how the right blend can help you finally experience that well-earned night's sleep.

The Science Behind a Good Night's Sleep

Before we delve deeper into specific teas, it is essential to understand why sleep is so crucial to our health. During sleep, our body recovers, our brain processes information, and important hormones are regulated. A chronic lack of sleep can lead to:

Fortunately, the right tea can be a natural ally in your quest for better sleep.

Why Tea Is the Perfect Sleep Minute

Tea has several properties that make it an ideal beverage for a good night's sleep:

  1. Ritual: The process of making tea and drinking it quietly can be calming in itself.
  2. Hydration: Light hydration before bedtime can prevent nighttime awakening due to thirst.
  3. Temperature: Warm drinks can cause a slight drop in body temperature, signaling to the body that it is time to sleep.
  4. Bioactive compounds: Many herbal teas contain natural compounds that have scientifically proven effects on relaxation and sleep.

Top 5 Teas for a Dreamless Night

1. Chamomile Tea: The Classic Sleep Mute

Chamomile tea has been known for centuries for its sleep-promoting properties. This mild, floral tea contains apigenin, an antioxidant that binds to certain receptors in your brain, which has a calming effect and can promote sleepiness. Our organic chamomile tea is perfect for those looking for a natural way to relax before bedtime.

2. Valerian: The Powerful Sleep Supporter

Valerian tea is often considered one of the most effective natural sleep aids. The root of the valerian plant contains compounds that increase the activity of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in the brain, which helps regulate nerve impulses and has a calming effect. Our valerian tea blend Combines valerian with other calming herbs for optimal sleep promotion.

3. Lavender tea: Aromatherapy in a Cup

Lavender is known for its relaxing aroma, but drunk as a tea, it can also work internally to reduce stress and promote sleep. Studies have shown that lavender can increase slow and deep sleep waves, leading to a more refreshing night's sleep. Try our lavender-chamomile blend For a double dose of relaxation.

4. Passion Flower: The Natural Nerve Reliever

Passionflower is a lesser known but very effective tea for a good night's sleep. This herbal infusion can help reduce anxiety and restlessness, making it easier to fall asleep. Our passionflower tea is a soft, floral drink perfect for a relaxing evening ritual.

5. Rooibos: The Caffeinated Treat.

Rooibos, native to South Africa, is naturally decaffeinated and rich in antioxidants. This tea also contains minerals such as magnesium and calcium, which can help with muscle relaxation. Our rooibos tea before bed is a delicious, full-bodied tea that you can enjoy without worrying about insomnia caused by caffeine.

The Secret of Loose Tea: Quality you Taste and Feel

At, we swear by the superior quality of loose-leaf tea. But why exactly?

  1. Full flavor development: Loose tea leaves have room to fully unfold, resulting in a richer, more complex flavor.
  2. Higher concentration of beneficial substances: Because the leaves are intact, they retain more of their natural oils and bioactive compounds.
  3. Freshness: Loose tea stays fresh longer than tea in bags, which means you can enjoy its optimal taste and benefits for longer.
  4. Environmentally friendly: Less packaging material means less waste.

Discover the difference for yourself with our extensive collection of loose leaf teas for better health.

The Art of the Perfect Cup of Sleeping Tea

To get the most out of your sleeping tea, follow these steps:

  1. Choose your tea: Select a tea that suits your taste preferences and needs.
  2. Prepared with care: Use fresh, filtered water and heat it to the right temperature (usually around 95°C for herbal teas).
  3. Let pull: Give your tea time to release its flavor and beneficial compounds. For most herbal teas, 5-7 minutes is ideal.
  4. Create your ritual: Make drinking tea a moment of mindfulness. Feel the warmth of the cup, smell the aromas, and take small, mindful sips.
  5. Timing is crucial: Drink your tea about 30-60 minutes before bedtime for the best effect.

Sleep hygiene: More than Just Tea

While tea can be a powerful ally, a good night's sleep is the result of a holistic approach. Combine your sleeping tea with these tips for optimal results:

Natural Allies for Deep Sleep

Besides tea, there are other natural remedies you can consider:

The Promise: Your Path to Better Sleep

At we are passionate about the power of tea to improve lives. Our commitment to quality, sustainability and customer satisfaction makes us the destination of choice for tea lovers nationwide.

When you choose our sleep teas, you choose:

Conclusion: Your Journey to Dreamland Starts Here

A good night's sleep is priceless, and the right tea can be the key to that invigorating sleep you crave. Whether you're struggling with chronic insomnia or simply want to improve your sleep quality, at you'll find the perfect blend to guide you to dreamland.

Explore our full range of health teas and start improving your sleep today. Because at, we believe a rested you is a better you - and that starts with the perfect cup of tea.

Sleep well, dream softly, and wake up rested with - your partner for a healthier lifestyle.

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